Incentive Travel Sicily Destination Sicily DMC

Unleash the Power of Incentive Travel in Sicily: Unforgettable Experiences Await! Looking for a destination that ignites excitement and fosters lasting memories? Look no further than Sicily! Destination Sicily DMC, your one-stop shop for Incentive Travels and Events in Sicily, a captivating island paradise that offers a world of possibilities. Why Incentive Travel Sicily? Effortless Travel: Enjoy direct flights from major European hubs and convenient access to luxurious 4 & 5-star properties. Year-round Sunshine: Bask in the Mediterranean climate, perfect for outdoor activities or pure relaxation. A Cultural Feast: Immerse your group in the rich tapestry of Greek, Roman, and Medieval history through awe-inspiring art, architecture, and charming villages. Culinary Delights: Savor the freshest local ingredients transformed into exquisite dishes by passionate chefs. Don’t forget the world-class wines! Natural Wonders: Explore the majestic Mount Etna, the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean, and breathtaking gorges like Alcantara. Unforgettable Experiences for Every Group: Self-Drive Adventures: Explore the island at your own pace with off-road vehicles, scooters, classic Fiat 500s, or even speedboats! Volcanic Expeditions: Embark on thrilling journeys to Mount Etna, Stromboli, or Vulcano by jeep, helicopter, or mountain bike. Adrenaline Rush: Challenge your team with canyoning, abseiling, parachuting, or rafting adventures. […]

Whoopi Goldberg Destination Sicily DMC Incentive

Whoopi Goldberg is smitten with Sicily! Whoopi Goldberg Destination Sicily DMC Incentive  Whoopi Goldberg Destination Sicily DMC Incentive Whoopi Goldberg Destination Sicily DMC Incentive The iconic actress recently shared her love for Syracuse, praising its ancient charm and delicious food. Have you been to this beautiful Italian city? “I’ve found my happy place,” says Whoopi Goldberg about Syracuse, Sicily! The actress is loving her time exploring the island’s rich history and stunning architecture. Have you been to Syracuse? Share your favorite memories!  Whoopi Goldberg Destination Sicily DMC Incentive #TravelTuesday #Sicily #Syracuse #DestinationSicilyDMC #WhoopiGoldberg Whoopi Goldberg, walking around Ortigia, yet another stop on her Italian tour. A more than welcome surprise for the citizens of Ortigia, who were able to delight in her iconic smile between autographs and selfies. In Italy for some filming for her new movie, Goldberg – one of the few celebrities to have achieved an EGOT, that is, to have won the four major awards in U.S. entertainment: an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony Award – seems to have been truly enchanted by our Sicily. Available as few are, the actress, who won big-screen fans for playing the psychic in Ghost-Fantasy in ’90 (the […]

Zingaro Sicily Incentive

Riserva dello Zingaro: A Marine Sanctuary of Pristine Waters and Abundant Fish Life Zingaro Sicily Icentive Riserva dello Zingaro is a natural reserve located on the western coast of Sicily, Italy. Known for its breathtaking landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and crystal-clear waters, this protected area is a haven for nature lovers and marine enthusiasts. A Marine Paradise: Clean Seawater and Abundant Fish Life click pic to watch video Lo Zingaro One of the most captivating features of Riserva dello Zingaro is its pristine marine environment. The reserve boasts numerous bays and coves with crystal-clear waters, providing a perfect habitat for a wide variety of marine life. The absence of pollution and human disturbance has allowed the underwater ecosystem to thrive, resulting in a rich and diverse fish population. Some of the fish species commonly found in the waters of Riserva dello Zingaro include:   Groupers: These large, predatory fish can often be spotted lurking in the rocky crevices and coral reefs. Snappers: Known for their vibrant colors and distinctive shapes, snappers are a popular sight for divers and snorkelers. Barracudas: These sleek and powerful predators are often seen darting through the water in search of prey. Sea bream: These […]

Selbstfahr-Erlebnisse auf Sizilien

Selbstfahr-Erlebnisse in ganz Sizilien Selbstfahr-Erlebnisse auf Sizilien sind eine unvergessliche Möglichkeit, die atemberaubende Landschaft der Insel, ihr reiches Erbe und ihre pulsierende Kultur zu erkunden. Mit Destination Sicily DMC können Sie die Freiheit und Flexibilität erleben, nach Ihren eigenen Bedingungen zu fahren, während Sie von Expertenempfehlungen und individuell zusammengestellten Routen profitieren. Entdecken Sie verborgene Juwelen und Ziele abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade, genießen Sie die verlockende Küche der Insel und tauchen Sie in ihre faszinierende Geschichte und Kultur ein. In diesem Artikel erkunden wir, warum Destination Sicily DMC die besten Erlebnisse beim autonomen Fahren in ganz Sizilien bietet, und teilen Tipps für eine sichere und erfolgreiche Reise auf der Straße.   Als ultimatives Ziel für selbstfahrende Aktivitäten nimmt Destination Sicily Sie mit auf eine lebenslange Reise, auf der Sie die wunderschöne italienische Insel in Ihrem eigenen Tempo erkunden können. Entdecken Sie die besten Erlebnisse beim autonomen Fahren in Sizilien. Sizilien ist ein endloses Abenteuerland mit atemberaubenden Landschaften, antiken Ruinen und einer verlockenden Küche. Ob Sie nun ein leidenschaftlicher Offroad-Fahrer sind, der eine aufregende Fahrt mit einem Quad oder Buggy sucht, ein Zweiradliebhaber, der ein Vespa-Erlebnis sucht, ein Liebhaber eines Fiat 500-Oldtimers, der eine Dolce-Vita-Tour sucht, ein E-Bike-Fan, der die Natur erkunden möchte, […]

Sicily’s best beaches!

Sicily Incentives Best beaches in Sicily. Sicily is a summer holiday jewel in the Mediterranean Sea and Sicily beaches are some of the most beautiful in all of Europe! If you are coming here and looking for some of the best beaches to relax on then check this list of the Best Beaches in Sicily. You will definitely choose one for your coming holidays! Sicily Incentives Best beaches in Sicily  /There is no one in Palermo who wouldn’t go to the beautiful beach of Mondello during the hot summer days. It can be sometimes overcrowded but is definitely on the list of the most beautiful places in Sicily.  The beach is located about 10 kilometers away from the city, nestled between Monte Pellegrino and Monte Gallo mountains. Sicily Incentives Best beaches in Sicily /Sant Vito Lo Capo’s turquoise waters and crescent-shaped sandy beach are a well-kept secret, sure to impress beach-lovers. Set against the imposing backdrop of Monte Monaco in Sicily’s north-west, this charming coastal town is also a big hit with climbers. Visit in September to experience the Cous Cous Festival. Who wouldn’t know the famous beach between Trapani and Palermo with the equally famous and iconic mountain? The beach is […]

Montalbano Elicona Sicily Incentives

  Sicily Incentives: A truly unprecedented and exclusive guided tour of Montalbano Elicona is scheduled on Friday 28 August. A fascinating nocturnal itinerary led by a professional guide to discover the most beautiful village in Italy between lights, shadows and medieval atmospheres. The appointment is scheduled at 7 pm at the entrance to the Castle, the first and enchanting stage of the journey that will continue through the alleys and other beauties of the village and will end at 9 pm. The Swabian Aragonese Castle of Montalbano is undoubtedly one of the most important and impressive castles in Sicily. It stands majestically on a hill in the center of the town. It was built, as we see it today (beyond the restorations of recent years), in 1300 at about 900 meters height, for purely military purposes and is part of the defense project of the territory of Emperor Frederick II of Swabia. It dominated the entire valley, from the Tyrrhenian area to that of Etna. In over eight centuries of history it has been the home of Norman, Aragonese and Spanish kings. Inside the castle there are two museum collections: the museum of bladed weapons and medieval musical instruments. The museum of […]

Easter in Sicily -Sicily DMC Incentives:

Sicily DMC Incentives: Easter in Sicily /Sicily is famous for its spectacular celebrations surrounding Pasqua (Easter) as Sicilians head to church and take to the streets in parades to honour the most important week in the Christian calendar. Festivities continue throughout Holy Week, culminating on Easter Sunday, when families enjoy a lunch based on roast lamb and specially-prepared cakes.  Sicily DMC Incentives: Easter in Sicily Pasquetta (Easter Monday) is traditionally the first chance for a spring outing in the year, when Sicilians head for parks, beaches and nature reserves to have a picnic. All over the island, in large towns and tiny villages alike, processions weave their way through narrow streets, central thoroughfares and piazzas until finally they arrive at the local parish church or Cathedral. Sicily DMC Incentives: Easter in Sicily /Easter also signals the arrival of Spring, and many pagan traditions that used to mark the arrival of the “beautiful season” have been incorporated into the religious festivities. For food lovers, Easter is a great time to come to Sicily: enticing seasonal delicacies and gastronomic delights celebrate the bounty of Primavera. It is the time for Martorana, or Pasta Reale, marzipan confectionary that is delighfully shaped and painted to […]

Sicily dmc incentives: almond blossom festival in the valley of the Greek temples in Agrigento

Sicily dmc incentives: Almond Blossom Festival (Sagra del mandorlo in fiore) has been taking place in Agrigento for already 72 years. It’s an international folk festival aiming to spread the message of peace, integration and cooperation between people. Every year in February, Agrigento celebrates the first almond blossoms of the season in its Sagra del Mandorlo in Fiore. The highlight of the festival, which continues until the beginning of March, is on the closing Sunday. A parade, accompanied by songs and dances, winds through the streets of Agrigento, celebrating peace, joy and fraternity. Sicily dmc incentives: The almond blossoms are celebrated as harbingers of spring; once the delicate pinkish-white blossoms appear, spring can’t be too far behind—at least in Sicily. Planting spring crops begins in earnest, and here in the south we can start to taste the promise of fava beans for the Festa di San Giuseppe (St. Joseph), Italian Father’s Day, on 19 March. Agrigento, founded by Greek colonists in 6 B.C., is one of Italy’s most under-appreciated spots with its Valle dei Tempii, home to five ancient temples: Concordia, Juno, Jupiter, Hercules, Castor and Pollux. They are official World Heritage landmarks, glow gorgeously golden at sunset, and provide […]

Sicily DMC incentives: Aeolian Islands

Sicily DMC incentives: Aeolian Islands    /Off the coast of Sicily, the Aeolian islands offer seas as clear as the Bahamas. Landscapes worthy enough to be film sets and exceptional restaurants. Smoldering volcanoes, bubbling mud baths and steaming fumaroles make these tiny islands north of Sicily a truly hot destination. Sicily DMC incentives: Aeolian Islands Astonishingly beautiful and extremely varied. The seven islands and various uninhabited islets of the Aeolian archipelago were designated a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2000. Their volcanic origins left a dramatic legacy of black-sand beaches, smouldering craters and splintered, rocky coastlines. Island-hoppers can discover their individual charms: from the spartan conical Alicudi, where donkeys are the only form of land transport, to the international jet-set playground of Panarea. North of Sicily in the Tyrrhenian Sea, the archipelago was named after Aeolus, god of the winds, by Greek settlers. This has been a volatile part of the world ever since Filicudi, the first land mass, emerged from the sea 600,000 years ago. There are two active volcanoes, Stromboli and Vulcano, and volcanic activity of some kind, whether steaming fumaroles or thermal waters waiting to tapped, on most of the other islands. Winter storms see the […]

Sicily DMC incentives: Agrigento – the legendary door to the Olympus

Sicily DMC incentives: Agrigento  /The Province of Agrigento stretches out amidst ancient ruins and Baroque architecture, as well as sparkling beaches, marvelous islands, crystal-clear waters and ocean beds buzzing with life. It is the ideal place for those in search of culture, history and art, all in an environment of total relaxation and, of course beneath the warmth and rays of the Italian sun. The clear sea washes up onto one of the world’s most beautiful and transparent coasts. In the distance, the turquoise water seems to melt with the blue skies, and where the gaze meets the horizon lies the dazzle of a thousand blue hues. Long sandy beaches alternate with deep bays, adorned by the typical Mediterranean maquis that characterizes much of Sicily. Aromas of the land combine with the scent of the sea, that floats towards the shore on the light marine breeze. The Islands of Lampedusa, Lampione and Linosa, make up the Pelagiean Archipelago. These “Islands of the High Seas” are the southernmost point of the European Union. The hinterland is a great expanse of plains cultivated with vineyards, various grains and wheat, fruit orchards and orange groves; there, an array of greenery resides, and notable […]