Caltabellotta short video

Sicily pills: Caltabellotta Caltabellotta: a journey into the past ️ In this small Sicilian village, time seems to have stood still. The narrow streets, the stone houses and the Norman Castle will transport you to another era. But Caltabellotta is not just history: the surrounding landscape is breathtaking and offers numerous opportunities for lovers of trekking and nature. What are you waiting for to discover this corner of Sicily?   @borghidisicilia Caltabellotta: nell’entroterra siculo c’è uno dei borghi più antichi d’Italia 😍 Eccoci a Caltabellotta, piccolo e antichissimo paesino in provincia di Agrigento sulle cime dei Mo…EventiInSicilia #Sicilia #Sicily ♬ Home (Option 3 – The Young Ebenezers Discover more: