Sicily DMC Incentives, Palermo and Monreale, over 2000 years of history in Sicily

Foto di Peter Boccia su Unsplash PALERMO AND MONREALE Sicily DMC Incentives, Palermo and Monreale /Palermo, founded by the Phoenicians with the name Ziz ‘flower’ – developed enormously under the Arabs and then under the Normans and Hohenstaufens, so much so that most of its most prestigious monuments were built in those periods.   The city formed along the main street, the “Cassaro” (now Corso Vittorio Emanuele), intersected from the sixteenth century on by via Maqueda. Along these streets and the side streets there are splendid patrician mansions and many of the main monuments: the Royal Palace with the Palace Chapel, the Cathedral, the “Martorana” church, Piazza Pretoria, Palazzo Steri to mention just a few. (Sicily DMC Incentives, Palermo and Monreale) Monreale City of Kings, Bishops, Artists and Poets, Even though its territory is not as wide and varied as the history through which it has passed, it is among the most precious of the jewels making up the immense cultural heritage of Sicily. No matter how long it takes for chronicles to becomes history, in Monreale time has continously accumulated every day fragments which have also become history.   THE ORIGINS OF MONREALE Monreale has a historical peculiarity of … Leggi tutto Sicily DMC Incentives, Palermo and Monreale, over 2000 years of history in Sicily